Creating a new holiday tradition at the Palace.
We know some of you feel very strongly about stores being open on the holidays and while we would love official days off, the reality is that these days make up for the painfully slow days in the off months. We NEED these days to survive. It’s ok to come see us. If you don’t, we will still be open because some of the year’s biggest movies release in November/December and the studios require us to show them.
So, we want you to know that IT IS OKAY and encouraged to come to the Palace. For some families, the tradition is just coming together to the theater. Everyone watches what they want and then they go home later for leftovers. But if you want to create a fun new tradition to help ease the pain of venturing out into the commercial world on a holiday… here are some ideas.
(1) Washer’s choice
Ohh, look at that stack of dishes! Whoever cleans the dishes gets to pick the movie! (Or takes out the trash if you’re using the disposable variety).
(2) Meet me in the middle
The Palace is halfway between Knoxville and Chattanooga. If you don’t get to spend the holiday with all of your family/friends because of other obligations, maybe you pick a show time and meet at the movies for some stress relieving together time.
(3) Start at the beginning…
This gives you bonus together time. If a movie is a sequel or part of a series (like this year’s Creed II and Fantastic Beasts), watch the first movie as a family before coming to watch the sequel. Great way to pass the time waiting for the Turkey to cook!
(4) Go the distance
If you traveled the most miles to get to dinner, you pick the movie!
(5) Pick a plate
Place a small sticker on the bottom of one of the plates. If you get the sticker plate (no peeking!), you pick the movie.
(6) Earn your keep
Create a list of tasks that people can complete to earn their movie ticket or concessions. Make them age appropriate so everyone can play. Think things like setting the table, pouring drinks, etc.
(7) Play for Pay
Play a game… flag football, yahtzee, poker, etc. The loser (or winner) can pay for the movie experience or candy for everyone.
(8) Check the release date
Maybe avoid some of the crowds and potential sell out by watching the movie that’s been out the longest.
(9) Macy’s Parade I spy
Sit down and watch The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Look for clues about what movie you should watch or what concessions you should buy. You can debate your choices over dinner. For example, maybe Al Roker says something about a wreck on the way to the Parade. You think that means you should watch Wreck it Ralph. Savannah says the parade float is “Fantastic” … Fantastic Beasts it is! Get creative!
(10) Reward good behavior
At the start of the day, give each child some tokens or tickets. If they can keep them until the end of the day, they get whatever you allow. You can take their tickets when they are rude or disrespectful.